Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Cool Things Your Kids Say

My kids say cool things all of the time and I always intend to keep a journal but never quite get to it. So, in a random attempt to capture and share here are a few of their latest sayings. To bring you up to date, Ella is now 5 and Nate is 2! Time flies when you are a parent:)

Ella's cute saying of the week regarding St. Patricks Day - "Mom, I am going to wear this green dress for that holiday when you wear green so people don't punch me."Nate's cute saying of the week - "I'm a mess" what Nate says whenever he needs to be cleaned up. He says this of course because I call him a mess quite often.

I am going to make more of an effort to write down, record with my phone or type some of the great little pieces of wisdom and just plain funny things my kids say. These little jewels brighten my day and provide comic relief when I most need it. Often times you just have to slow down a bit and take the time to listen to your kids. Enjoy the comedy!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Kid Friendly Spots that Make Portland Awesome!

Where to relax and play....

Posies.... Posies is a great North Portland spot for coffee and treats. They have a great kids play space and have kids programs everyday at 10am. Both story time and music time have never disappointed. Additionally, they have added evening entertainment. Last Saturday night Jeff and I went to enjoy some great acoustic guitar, sip on some vino while the kids bounced between the music and the play area. The music was free, no daycare needed so our only expense was some wine and the great treats we had! I can't say enough, or can I???

Today I met another mom at Posies (during story time) who referred me to yet another great parents resource in my neighborhood called St. Johns Swap and Play. There are a few others in neighborhoods around Portland so scope it out if you do not live in NOPO. Apparently, you pay a mere $15/month to enjoy this venue which offers: play areas which are age appropriate, story time, music time, and a toy/clothing swap for kids stuff based on the honor system. You can bring toys and then take what you need for a period of time and return when you want to get something new. What a great concept. I am for sure going to the next open house. So, not only does Portland have great resources for parents, but an amazing community right out your front door. You just have to go and explore!

Posies -
St. Johns Swap and Play -

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Happy New Year

It is a new year and and I want to recommit myself to many things including this blog. Initially, after the birth of my second, I relied on this blog as an outlet to share my stories with anyone who would read them about running, life, parenthood, etc... Now that Nate (my youngest) is older I have been out and about more and all of the sudden was busy. But, I realized that I missed this, so among my other resolutions (like limit the cheesecake) I am going to write a note at least every two weeks.

When I first started back at running I was predominantly using the jogger and now I rarely use it. With Nate sleeping better through the night I have been better able to run early in the morning before anyone awakens which has been nice. Time truly to myself. Also, as I have been running more miles, pushing a jogger gets increasingly difficult over 8 miles:)

However, I am going to be rejoining a group on Fridays called "Running Mammas" which leads runs/walks all over the city for a morning run on various days of the week. They usually incorporate some kidfriendly place into the run. I rejoined the group for coffee this week and realized what a great group of women they were and what a great support network they are as most are stay-at- home moms and dads. So, if you live in Ptown and are looking for a great group of moms to stay active with, check out this meetup group!

The organizer of the group, Amois, is great! She is super supportive of parents who want to join the group to stay fit and find some support.

Happy Trails!

Friday, June 19, 2009

On the Road

Preparations have begun! My 9 month old now has his passport to head to Canada in a few days. We are embarking on the cross country plane trip with both kids. First stop Philadelphia and final stop Crow Lake, Canada! Getting ready for this sort of trip seems to take almost as long as the trip itself. Deciding what to bring and not bring, how man bags, which strollers, car seats, car rentals, etc... Here are my tips for making it though as I have now done this cross country trek several times:
  • Make lists
  • Pack light - people do have washing machines if staying with family (which we are thank goodness)
  • Buy some new toys and activities for your preschooler - wait to share until day of the trip
  • Engage your older child in helping with the younger child - Ella enjoys being the older sister and helping mommy
  • Explain a head of time what the trip will look like and ground rules (IE. we will be on two different planes, when we are sitting in our seats we have to wear the seat belt, etc...)
  • Bring things to reward (bribe) your kid when all else fails
  • Pack snacks to keep energy levels up (yours and theirs). You do not always have time to stop for snacks when switching planes so this is important
  • Remember - you are on vacation so take your time and slow down - I find sometimes I begin to rush myself and the kids when there is no need to (have a beer on the plane if you need to - I find this helps)
  • I am bringing the baby jogger so I can get my runs in
Most of these are tips for the preschooler. With the nine month old, I am just keeping my finger crossed:) Luckily Nate is mellow but he is on the move now and does not have his own seat so I know this may be challenging (this is putting it politely). I will make sure we have formula, baby food, diapers, wipes, etc and some extra binkies.

Below are a couple of links for articles I found. Feel free to share any tips that might help me or others travelling with kids.

Happy Travels!

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Summer Fun with the Kiddos - Fountain Runs

Here is a fun run idea if you have young ones to push in the jogger this summer. These routes are Portland specific, but I am sure you can find similar ones in your area! I usually bring a few snacks and then let the kids play in the fountain before heading back home.

Jamison Fountain in the Pearl - this is a great spot for younger kids. Word of advice is to hit the fountain before noon as after 12pm the older kids begin to dominate the fountain area. I run there from North Portland via the Broadway bridge. It is about a 9.5 mile loop in total and includes scenic Willamette, not so scenic Interstate, the Broadway bridge..

Link to the route

Link to info on Jamison Fountain

Parks with Fountains - click here to find other parks with fountains in your area then build a run loop around this fun activity!

Happy Trails!

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Push on Parents

Just saw this in the July issue of Runner's world so had to share because it got me pumped!

Q: Does pushing my child in jogging stroller offer an additional training benefits?

A: Absolutely, because it's more challenging, especially when you're running uphill. Studies have shown that you can burn 20 percent more calories (depending on the weight of the child) while pushing a jogging stroller at a given pace. You'll work your cardiovascular system harder, and pushing the stroller will strengthen several muscle groups - especially the pecs, triceps, deltoids, quads and hamstrings.

So push on parents!

Below is a link to an article with tips on incorporating the jogger into your workout routine.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

My Morning Coffee

Just ran 5 miles with the jogger and now am enjoying the morning coffee before my 3 year old awakens! Nate is hanging out playing with toys next to me on the floor. Mornings are my favorite time to run. I remember questioning my friend Hallie on how she could get up at 5am to run each day, now I can't imagine not running in the morning. Sometimes it is 5am and sometimes it is 10 am but usually before noon.

Reasons I like to run in the morning:
  • I love getting up and getting the run in so I can eat away and drink coffee all day without too much worry of how things will sit in my stomach for a run.
  • As summer approaches it is cooler in the morning as well so no need to worry about the heat of the day.
  • Less chance of actually skipping the run - just get up, and put your shoes on before you have time to think about it.
  • I can focus on the kiddos without worrying how I will work the run in to our busy day
If you have a favorite time of day to run/reason why you like it, please share. Below is a link to a Runner's World article that covers running tips on different times of the day.

Happy Trails!,7120,s6-380-381-386-250-0,00.html